How To Fix A Mechanical Keyboard That Is Not Typing All Keys?

How To Fix A Mechanical Keyboard That Is Not Typing All Keys?

If you're having trouble with keys not typing on your mechanical keyboard, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, try cleaning the keys with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. If that doesn't work, you may need to replace the keycaps.

If the problem persists, it may be a more serious issue with the keyboard itself. In this case, you may need to contact the manufacturer for help.

Steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue

Below are the steps that can be implemented to troubleshoot the issue and provide a solution:

1. Using a soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol, gently clean the keys that are not working. Ensure that the keyswitches haven't been physically damaged. Replace the keyswitches if damaged.

2. If the previous step doesn't solve the problem, remove the keycaps and use a soft brush to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated beneath them. Use compressed air to blow out any loose particles.

Identify the affected keys

If only a few keys on your mechanical keyboard are not working, you can try to identify the affected keys by pressing each key individually. If a key does not register when pressed, it is likely that the key is faulty. You can also try to use a key tester to identify the faulty keys.

Once you have identified the faulty keys, you can try to clean them. To clean the keys, you can use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. Gently rub the cotton swab over the key contacts to remove any dirt or debris. After cleaning the keys, try to press them again to see if they are working.

If cleaning the keys does not solve the problem, you may need to replace the faulty keys. To replace the keys, you will need to remove the keycaps from the keyboard. Once the keycaps are removed, you can use a key puller to remove the faulty keys. Once the faulty keys are removed, you can replace them with new keys.

Inspect the switches

Remove the keycaps from the keyboard. This will allow you to see the switches underneath.

Inspect the switches for any damage. Look for bent or broken pins, or any other signs of damage.

If you find any damaged switches, you will need to replace them. You can purchase replacement switches online or at a local electronics store.

Once you have replaced the damaged switches, reattach the keycaps and test the keyboard to make sure it is working properly.

Clean the switches

Clean the switches

Try cleaning the switches. They may be dirty or clogged with debris. To do this, you'll need to remove the keycaps from the keyboard. Once the keycaps are removed, use a cotton swab or a soft brush to gently clean the switches. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. Once the switches are clean, reattach the keycaps and test the keyboard.

If cleaning the switches doesn't work, you may need to replace them. To do this, you'll need to desolder the old switches and solder in new ones. This is a more difficult repair, so it's best left to a professional if you're not comfortable doing it yourself.

Replace the switches

Replace the switches

Inspect the PCB

Once you've removed the keycaps, you'll need to inspect the PCB for any visible damage. Look for any burn marks, broken traces, or loose components. If you see any damage, you'll need to replace the PCB. If you don't see any visible damage, you can move on to the next step.

You can also use a multimeter to test the continuity of the PCB traces. To do this, set your multimeter to the continuity setting and then touch the probes to two adjacent pads on the PCB. If the multimeter beeps, then the trace is good. If the multimeter doesn't beep, then the trace is broken and you'll need to replace the PCB.

Resolder loose connections

If you've tried all the other troubleshooting tips and your mechanical keyboard still isn't typing all keys, it's possible that there are loose connections. This can happen if the keyboard has been dropped or jostled, or if it's simply old and worn out.

To resolder loose connections, you'll need a soldering iron and some solder. First, identify the loose connections. These will typically be located on the circuit board, and they may look like small, broken wires or solder joints.

Once you've identified the loose connections, heat up your soldering iron and apply a small amount of solder to the joint. Be careful not to apply too much solder, as this can create a short circuit.

Once the solder has cooled, test the keyboard to see if it's working properly. If it is, then you've successfully resoldered the loose connections.

Replace the PCB

Replace the PCB

Check the firmware

If your mechanical keyboard is not typing all keys, one possible issue could be outdated or corrupted firmware. Firmware is essentially the software that controls the keyboard's functionality, and if it's not up to date or has become corrupted, it can lead to various problems, including keys not working properly.

To check the firmware on your mechanical keyboard, you can usually find the latest version available on the manufacturer's website. Once you have downloaded the firmware update, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to install it on your keyboard. After updating the firmware, restart your computer and check if the issue with the keys not working has been resolved.

Firmware update

If your mechanical keyboard is not typing all keys, one potential solution is to update the firmware. Firmware updates can address various issues, including keystroke functionality. Before updating the firmware, make sure that your keyboard is compatible with the update and that you have a stable internet connection.

To update the firmware, visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest firmware file. Once downloaded, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to install the update. After the firmware update is complete, restart your computer and test if all keys are functioning correctly.

Updating the firmware can resolve keystroke issues, but if the problem persists, consider other troubleshooting methods or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are some keys on my mechanical keyboard not working?

There are several possible reasons why some keys on your mechanical keyboard may not be working. One possibility is that the keys are not making proper contact with the switches. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as dirt or debris buildup, or a loose connection. Another possibility is that the switches themselves are faulty. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as wear and tear, or a manufacturing defect.

How do I fix a mechanical keyboard that is not typing all keys?

There are several things you can try to fix a mechanical keyboard that is not typing all keys. One thing you can try is to clean the keys and switches. To do this, you can use a soft brush or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. You can also try to blow out any dust or debris from the keys and switches using a compressed air can.

Can I fix a mechanical keyboard myself?

In some cases, you may be able to fix a mechanical keyboard yourself. However, if the problem is caused by a faulty switch, you may need to replace the switch. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, you can take the keyboard to a qualified technician.

What should I do if I can't fix my mechanical keyboard myself?

If you are unable to fix your mechanical keyboard yourself, you can take it to a qualified technician. A technician will be able to diagnose the problem and repair the keyboard for you.


Finally, if you have tried all of the above steps and your mechanical keyboard is still not typing all keys, you may need to consider replacing the keyboard. Fortunately, mechanical keyboards are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace. You can find a replacement keyboard online or at your local electronics store.

Before you replace your keyboard, be sure to back up your data. Once you have backed up your data, you can disconnect your old keyboard and connect your new keyboard. Your new keyboard should work properly and you should be able to type all keys.